flower fairy books      the art of CMB > flower fairy books > spring     summer

The Art of
Cicely Mary Barker

Spring magic

The World is very old;
But year by year
It groweth new again
When buds appear.
The World is very old,
and sometimes sad;
But when the daisies come
  The World is glad.
The World is very old;
But every Spring
It groweth young again,
and fairies sing.

spring.gif (67355 Byte)

The Bluebell Fairy
The Celadine Fairy
The Coltsfoot Fairy
The Cowslip Fairy
The Crocus Fairy
The Daffodil Fairy
The Daisy Fairy
The Dandelion Fairy
The Dog-Violet Fairy
The Groundsel Fairy
The Hart's Ease Fairy
The Hazel-Catkin Fairy
The Ladysmock Fairy
The Larch Fairy
The May Fairy
The Primrose Fairy
The Speedwell Fairy
The Stitchwort Fairy
The Willow-Catkin Fairy
The Windflower Fairy
The Woodsorrel

The Bluebell Fairy
The Celadine Fairy
The Coltsfoot Fairy
The Cowslip Fairy
The Crocus Fairy
The Daffodil Fairy
The Daisy Fairy
The Dandelion Fairy
The Dog-Violet Fairy
The Groundsel Fairy
The Hart's Ease Fairy
The Hazel-Catkin Fairy
The Lady's Smock Fairy
The Larch Fairy
The May Fairy
The Primrose Fairy
The Speedwell Fairy
The Stitchwort Fairy
The Willow-Catkin Fairy
The Windflower Fairy
The Woodsorrel Fairy

flower fairy books      the art of CMB > flower fairy books > spring     summer